Energy Healing with Omnes

Community | Service | Spiritual Development

Helping your Inner Light to Shine

Omnes offers you:

Energy Healing to Improve your Wellbeing

We provide energy healing to help people’s wellbeing as follows:

At our Online Healing Centre, Free or By Donation

FREE distant healing

Private healing sessions 

Development Courses & Workshops

We teach a four-step Healer Development course.

Participants can continue after each step or choose to stop at the level which is most appropriate for them.

A Supportive Community

We welcome ALL Healers, Student Healers and Reiki Practitioners, no matter what type of energy healing you do.

Su Mason PhD describes Energy Healing

Omnes Healing is a member of:

Our course content is taught to the standards of The Confederation of Healing Organisations and
the National Occupational Standards for Complementary Therapies.


We are pleased to be working in collaboration with Sylvan Healing Sanctuary


Join our Community of Healers

Omnes offers opportunities for spiritual and personal development and healing service. Our online community helps you to connect with other healers across the world. 

We are an inclusive organisation, passionate about providing equal opportunities and available to ALL healers (Omnes is Latin for ‘everyone’), no matter what type of energy healing you do or other organisations you belong to.

It’s easy to join us as a member and inexpensive (For example, Associate Membership is only £30 for a year).

Interesting, Experiential Courses and Workshops

Our Energy Healer training courses are designed to be interactive, engaging and support your spiritual development.

We have been running these successfully for years, working to the standards of The Confederation of Healing Organisations and the National Occupational Standards for Complementary Therapies.

We teach a simple but powerful type of energy healing (without external techniques) linking directly to the Universal Source of Peace, Love and Wisdom.

We encourage healers to work on themselves to raise and maintain their own energetic vibration to be the best practitioner they can be.

Our next Foundation Course will be in the Autumn 2025

Improve your Wellbeing

Perhaps you feel stuck or need some healing energy to help you cope with particular situations or simply everyday life?

We provide one-to-one energy healing to help people improve their wellbeing.

We offer this service  free or by donation, through the  Omnes Online Healing Centre. Alternatively you can book a private online or telephone appointment (only £30) with one of our experienced healer practitioners.


‘I was really amazed that an online healing was just as effective, with the same results, in the comfort of my home.’

We offer free healing to anyone in need.
All healer practitioners at our Online Healing Centre and our Circle of Distant Healing are unpaid volunteers, but our administration costs are funded by donations as Omnes Healing is a Not-for-Profit organisation.
We are most grateful for donations of any amount to support continuation of this service.

Join the Omnes Healing Community Today

Membership & Associate Membership includes access to:

Membership (with or without insurance)

We welcome Qualified Healers who have trained with a UK Healers or C.H.O. organisation to be part of the Omnes community

Associate Membership

We welcome Reiki Practitioners & healers / healing students not trained by UK Healers or C.H.O. organisations, to the Omnes community

The co-authors of this book are both directors of Omnes Healing They wrote Vibrations of Life – A Handbook for Energetic Wellbeing’ with the intention of helping the reader to navigate their own life journey in a positive, highly vibrational way, by offering a wealth of useful, practical guidance, plus tools and techniques for doing so.

Available for Kindle and in Paperback

Bookshop supports local book businesses

ENERG-eased MP3 / CD

Many people need advice on how to protect their energies, to prevent other people from draining them. This CD / MP3 download shares strategies to help in daily life by guiding people through visualisations to raise their energetic vibration.

We offer these recordings to help people with pain relief, sleeplessness, tension in the body and an over-thinking mind as well as protecting their energy.

Read our Recent Blog Posts

Blog Post

Soil, Soul and Society

Most people understand that we are Mind, Body and Spirit and at Omnes Healing we regularly emphasise this vital spiritual aspect, which is so often

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Omnes Online Healing Centre

Come along and let us help your wellbeing

Please book now for an  energy healing session as places are limited!

Free or by Donation

Mondays from 4.30 – 5 pm and 5.30 – 6 pm
(UK time)