Animal communication is not difficult. Like any skill, it is more a question of wanting to do it, wanting to live and experience their world and sensitivities.

Amelia Kincade who has written many books on the subject and also runs Animal Communication courses, describes it as “tuning in” to their wavelength in the same way as tuning in to a favourite radio station.  Animal needs are similar to humans, they want to feel safe, fed and know their place in their world.


Many dogs inform about their “role” in their pack. They are a key part of the created energy in a household and sadly this sensitivity is frequently abused or ignored. They know when their human companions are stressed, sad or excited and happy and many experience acute illness or anxiety when their human families are divorcing, or ill.

A simple way to start is to tell your dog, “I love you!” (Only if you do however, they know if you are being genuine). This communication is easy to do, and then, observe the response.

I asked my mongrel dog, (who I ADORE), why she chose to live with us. She told me she wanted to experience unconditional love. That lovely response was not what I expected, but she does get swamped with our love, as we tell her several times a day! Often she gulps in response. It is adorable. She is the most delightful, obedient, well behaved, intelligent sensitive, clever bitch we have ever lived with, and our love for her is unconditional. Her soul wanted to know what it felt like to be adored, and admired and we will show her this intense love until she is with us no longer.

Cat communication through a closed window

Most people can communicate with animals, and those who live and work with animals or appreciate wildlife in their gardens will have experienced some magical moments of inter species communication.

One of my first moments was watching a cat, through a closed window, hungrily approach a fish pond. I said, firmly, telepathically, “OH NO YOU DON’T!” At which the cat stopped in his tracks, and turned his head to look directly at me. He then quickly left the scene. It was a dramatic and effective demonstration, in simple terms, of how animal communication works.

Flies – an alternative to swatting

I always suggest to people who want to try animal communication to start with a fly. Open a window and direct the fly in a route out of the window. Basically talk to the fly and suggest it goes out. You will be amazed how easily this works. Flies, wasps, butterflies and bees etc, naturally feel trapped when they find themselves accidentally indoors, so they need little encouragement to find their flight path to freedom.


On a picnic if a wasp ventures into your space, just emanate “You are not wanted HERE! In fact, your life is in danger if you stay!” (Or whatever message is relevant) and wasps will never bother you. They sometimes take up to a minute to get this message, but stay calm, and be simple and firm with your message.

If you want to learn more, I highly recommend Amelia Kinkade’s books as a good starting point.

Thank you for reading.


(Vegan Animal Lover)


My personal belief is that animals have delicate sensory skills and your diet is important to them. If you are a meat eater you might be a threat to them. Canines have highly sensitive sensitivity to smell. My body odour is non-threatening to them and often timid dogs are friendly to me at the astonishment of their owners. I am not a carnivore (vegan), therefore not a predator, which makes them trust me from the off-set.

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