BLOG: Help your Spirituality AND the Environment

As a caring organisation, we at Omnes Healing have been thinking about how we can practically help our environment (apart from regularly sending healing to our amazing planet, which we already do).

We know that one of the best ways of reducing carbon around the earth is to plant trees, so we thought a collaboration with a tree planting organisation was a good way of helping our planet.

We contacted the lovely people at Oblong Trees and said to them, ‘How about we pay you to PLANT TWO TREES for every new Member, Associate Member or Friend to join Omnes Healing?’ They agreed and so as a result of joining us, two trees will be planted in locations around the world that need reforestation.

Not only that, but new Members and Associate Members get to:

  • belong to a community of diverse, but like-minded people, with the opportunity to share and learn from each other online.
  • have access to the Members Pages of the website – The Member’s Resource Bank contains amongst other things:
    • Official Documents for you to use, such as: consent forms for giving healing to children or someone under the care of a midwife; our Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Policy and Log and our Healer GDPR Checklist.
    • Recommended Reading and book summaries
    • Energy Protection Visualisation Exercises
  • learn healing energy re-balancing (if not already qualified) to the standard of UK Healers and The Confederation of Healing Organisations.
  • have opportunities for healing service
  • receive Omnes Voice, our regular, twice-monthly e-mail contact containing Omnes news updates, articles and an inspiring quote (Friends receive this too).

We at Omnes are delighted to be able to help people with their spirituality AND the environment.

Why not join us today by clicking here?

We would love to welcome you and arrange for more trees to be planted.

Photo by Felix Mittermeier from Pexels

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