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Members Resources
Healer Development Courses
Develop your healing skills with Omnes Healing
We offer a range of development courses for healers wishing to attain certification.
Member Courses for Certification
Qualification Course (Online OR Four sessions face-to-face and four Zoom sessions) Standard Cost £500
or £117.50 per quarter / £39.20 per month over a year
Qualification Course (Online OR Four sessions face-to-face and four Zoom sessions) Concession Cost* £400
or £92.50 per quarter / £30.85 per month over a year
*For Qualified Healers, Reiki Masters and Concessions (People on benefits or a low income)
Distant Healing for a Large Number of Recipients
The following topics are covered:
- Distant Healing to a large numbers of recipients on a list
- Intercession by a healer to Source energy, on the recipient’s behalf
- Information about the Omnes Circle of Distant Healing – you can volunteer to become part of this group which send distant healing to people, animals and situations around the world
Healing via Telephone and Online Video E-Seminar
Although you may be familiar with doing healing via telephone and online video, this short e-seminar clarifies the key elements of this form of distant healing to ensure effective healing which maximises your client’s and your own energetic wellbeing.
Following these key elements also ensures that your insurance for telephone and online video healing remains valid.
This e-seminar can be accessed at anytime and covers:
- Uses of Telephone and online video Healing
- How they work
- Key elements of Telephone Healing
- Online Video Healing
- Omnes Healing Telephone and Online Video Healing Service
- Agreement by healers and clients
Member Workshops
This workshop will help you learn:
- Protection – Self-management methods to ensure a healthy, high vibrational human energy field, for yourself and to teach your clients
- Different types of lower vibrational energies
- Important Principles of Clearing Lower Vibrational Energies
- Methods of Safe clearing of lower vibrational energies
- Soul Retrieval
- How to clear lower vibrational energy from a space
For more information about this and other Workshops, please click the button below: