My Spiritual Journey 1

My spiritual Journey 1

My spiritual Journey began at the age of 26 when my sister-in-law was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and given just 36 hours to live. I had what was, for me, the unique experience of being able to be there to listen, comfort her and hold her hand, turning what could have been a devastatingly traumatic experience into a peaceful and beautiful transition.

I was totally amazed that I was calm and knew exactly what to say and do. I had an innate knowing that her spirit was ‘travelling’ immediately before her soul ascended, as she happily shared that she was “going on holiday”, leaving detailed instructions for her partner and the welfare of her 3 children. (I knew that she did not have any holidays planned at this time).

Despite staying up for well over 24 hours, I found that I was full of energy and optimism and was able to support my whole family in their time of need.

Around this time I was also aware that my intuition was very clear, aware what others were thinking, what was going to happen and being very clear that it WAS going to happen. All of this seemed very natural to me at the time, even though I had never experienced anything remotely similar beforehand.

Soon after this I found that I was easily able to make life changing decisions which took my life forward in a positive way, letting go of fear which had held me back in the past. I started to regularly visit bookshops and always found books in the mind, body, spirit section which turned out to be exactly what I needed at the time.

This eventually led me to start my healing journey of becoming a healer and I completed my REIKI Diploma level 1 and 2.

I can honestly say that at the start of this journey I was facing very challenging times, but I always felt reassured and comforted. I knew that I was being guided and was shown many signs that I was being supported by what I now know to be a very high power.

Sophia Flemming

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