Many people working in the Caring Professions seek advice on how to protect their energies so they no longer feel drained by those they support. Medical professionals, social workers, complementary therapists, indeed anyone who works in a supporting role, can find their energies affected by those they work with.
These CD’s share strategies for protecting people’s energies by raising their energetic vibration with a series of visualisations. It feels important to share these ideas with a wider audience.
The ENERG-eased 3CD Pack was born out of a passion to share resources with helping professionals to manage their own energies and to customise visualisations and meditations to suit their client’s needs. Using the CDs they can enable their clients to relieve pain, calm the mind chatter and bodily tensions, help with insomnia, as well as to protect their energies … and more.
Sally Chaffer and Su Mason
Copyright ENERG-eased 2015
This 3CD pack is a resource for caring professionals and therapists to help manage their own energies and those of their clients through:
– Clarifying the importance of managing their energy for wellbeing
– Explaining how visualisations and meditations work and how to construct them
– Exercises to help correct ‘scattered energies’
– Raising their own energetic vibration
Also, purpose-specific guided visualisations, exercises and guided meditations to:
– Release tension in the body
– Ease pain
– Help people feel safe
– Raise energetic vibration
– Help people feel grounded and balanced
– Ease people into sleep
You and your clients may find, having used the CD, that although your life situations may not have changed, you are less reactive to what is happening and feel more calm when under pressure
Caring Professionals CD1 Tracks
1. Introduction to managing your energies
2. How do visualisations and guided meditations work?
3. The importance of managing your energies
4. Inner body awareness – To release tension in the body and calm the mind
5. The Tranquil Lake – To calm your mind
6. Your Peaceful Garden – To help you feel safe
7. Lightening your Load – To release old burdens and reconnect with Lightness
8. Standing Tree Meditation – To help you feel grounded and balanced
Caring Professionals CD2 Tracks
1. Breathing Peace into your Being – To raise your energetic vibration
2. Sun Meditation – To raise your energetic vibration
3. Meditation to raise your Energetic Vibration by connecting with the Universal Source – A powerful tool which protects, aids self-healing and raises energetic vibration
4. Floating Balloons and Breathing in Peace – To remove felt negative energy and replace with peace in your being
5. Bubble of Light – A quick method to protect your energies
6. Gratitude Breath – To change negative thoughts of lack to positive thanks for all you have
7. Rolling away balls of pain – To ease pain (1)
8. Breathing away pain – To ease pain (2)
9. Golden Roots – To quickly ground you or your clients
10. Fireman’s Pole – To gather back scattered energies
11. Attention to Hands and Feet – A quick way to stop your mind chatter
12. And so to bed … A Calming Meditation – Last on CD so that you can play it to ease yourself into restful sleep
ENERG-eased CD
A toolbox of selected healing visualisations and guided meditations to use with your clients
1. Introduction
2. How do visualisations and guided meditations work?
3. Your Energy
4. Inner Body Awareness – To release tension in the body and calm the mind
5. The Tranquil Lake – To calm your mind
6. Your Peaceful Garden – To help you feel safe
7. Lightening your Load – To release old burdens and reconnect with Lightness
8. Standing Tree Meditation – To help you feel balanced and grounded
9. Breathing Peace into your Being – To raise your energetic vibration by introducing peace into your Being
10. Sun Meditation – To raise your energetic vibration
11. Meditation to raise your Energetic Vibration by connecting with the Universal Source – A powerful tool which protects, aids self-healing and raises energetic vibration
12. Bubble of Light – A quick method to protect your energies
13. Rolling away balls of pain – To ease pain (1)
14. Breathing away pain – To ease pain (2)
15. And so to bed … A Calming Meditation – Last on CD so that you can play it to ease yourself into restful sleep