After 70 yrs of a very practical, grounded, physical approach to life, everything changed.
I’d retired from 40 years of teaching Secondary Physical education, followed by Primary teaching and Headships and was enjoying a new life of holidays, organic gardening and eating out, but I was stunned into silence when I was told I had cancer; seven tumours which required a double mastectomy and a full lymph node clearance. I wasn’t given a terminal diagnosis, but it was ‘complicated’ in every way imaginable.
Following surgery, treatment and amazing support from Macmillan, I was discharged with no follow up but, ‘ring us if you need us, we’re here’, which suited me fine. I then started my own ‘treatment’ for a personal, lifelong, recovery plan. I attended sessions of reflexology, Indian head massage, acupuncture, EFT, Hypnotherapy, joined Tai Chi classes and took advice from nutritionists and herbalists – a total departure from the norm for me.
All of this was on offer at The Leeds Cancer Support Centre – which was wonderful – and I soon felt physically stronger and healthier. I wanted to keep searching for ways to regain my former physical, mental & emotional health, without really knowing what I was seeking, but I knew it was up to me to make sure I continued to get better.
In the midst of all this, as a treat my daughter took me to Egypt on holiday and there began a new love affair with all things Egyptian – including their ancient methods of healing – using energy! Later, back home at a Health and Healing fair, we found the Leeds Healing Centre. My thoughts were: Who are they? Never heard of them…….It won’t be what I’m looking for. How wrong can you be!!
Purely by ‘coincidence’ I found Energy Healing – or did it find me?
First Experience of Healing
To begin with I attended weekly sessions at Leeds Healing Centre and I had incredible and tangible release from pain and stress, sometimes experiencing a release of negative energy followed by an inflow of positive energy into my body. I saw constant improvement in my general health and my response to pain and stress. For example, my shoulder muscles were damaged following radiotherapy, painful with knotted muscles and restricted movement. One day during a healing session, the knots disappeared and the pain has never returned!! Although it took me some time to accept and understand all of this, I had proof that energy healing works and I kept a daily journal tracking my progress.
Up to this point the healing had been purely for my personal benefit, but I was so amazed by the improvement in my health and general wellbeing that I wanted to be able to help other folks to have the same; I wanted to give something back. I decided to train as a healer and I felt it was the right thing for me to do and the right time to do it.
So at 75 years of age I became a student again. The next part of my exciting journey was here! Very unexpected, but WOW!
My journey so far had raised many questions; the next part was about to raise even more.
Sue Guest
Read Part 2 here
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