What some of our students have said about our Foundation Course:

I found learning how important it is to keep your vibration raised has transformed my life. Without it this pandemic would have been a total different experience. I use the meditation most days and can see the difference when I don’t.
H.A.Student Feedback
I am enjoying the course more and more each class I do and look forward to the next one.
Enjoying Course More and More
Student Feedback
This course has been such a gift – a powerful growth enabling opportunity for me. I found learning about Source Attunement Healing to be very valuable and the recognition that I am able to learn this.
Student Feedback
I felt as if I have grown a bit today on my way to becoming a better person.
Student Feedback
The day has been very informative, professional and I felt with the intention of love and empowerment. I found all aspects of the day valuable. The course content is aimed at a level to aid my development.
Student Feedback
This course has exceeded my expectations (which were high)! It has given me confidence to continue with my journey and in myself. I am so grateful to Omnes.
Student Feedback
I have enjoyed what I have learnt more than I thought I would and actually try to practice daily.
Student Feedback
Very well structured course.
Excellent, warm, open tuition.
A great first step into understanding healing.
Student Feedback
This healing course is one of the most knowledgeable.
Student Feedback
I actually felt it! [attuning to Source]. Previously I understood the 'theory' - today it became real.
Student Feedback
Really enjoyed the Foundation course - I have learned such a lot and gained in confidence about my ability.
Student Feedback
Very informative, thorough, enjoyable, safe and happy environment to develop in. Very supportive and knowledgeable teachers.
Student Feedback
The teaching was clear and helpful and all questions were answered before we moved on to the next subject.
Student Feedback
The course provided me with the tools to change my life and the way I think about healing in general. I have been amazed by the success of my distant healing work.
Student Feedback
Omnes Healing course is a life-changing experience - Wonderful! Thank you.
Student Feedback
Most valuable was learning a specific process for Source attunement and having such amazing, wise, yet humble teachers. I learned so much. I loved every minute and cannot wait for the next stage of the Omnes journey. Thanks.
Student Feedback
What some of our clients have said about our Source Attunement Healing:

I have been having healing sessions for two years now & being a cancer sufferer I find these invaluable. It makes such a difference to have my body rebalanced & the negative energies replaced by the good & healing energies. Due to covid the only way to have my healing is long distance. Online healing works so well & would be something I would strongly recommend supporting for those of us in need.
I have been lucky enough to receive telephone healing from Omnes healing on several occasions and particularly throughout this pandemic. Although the healer is not physically next to me, I have found the exact same effect as when I have received healing in person from a member of Omnes healing. There is no difference to the peace I feel and overall wellbeing after a telephone healing session. I find my anxiety is reduced significantly after a telephone healing session, I feel calm yet energised. It’s a magical experience. I cannot recommend them enough.
After many years of doing healing of various types, I recently learnt to do Source Attunement healing with Kathleen and Su. I find that the healing energy comes through more powerfully than when using a technique of any kind. Now I don’t do any other type of healing than Source Attunement healing.
I would just like to thank Kathleen, Su and Source for being given the opportunity to learn this amazing skill.
I recently received Source Attunement Healing from one of the Omnes Healing Students. A couple of hours afterwards my eyesight in my right eye improved suddenly and dramatically. Thank you.
I was diagnosed with cancer in September & have since been having chemotherapy. As most of us know there are usually side effects. My main problem is severe pain in the legs & feet for about 10 days after treatment. But with healing I have found that this helps so much. The pain is nowhere near as bad. I feel better after each session not only in the legs but in myself.
I look forward these sessions, trusting, knowing without a doubt, the potency of each healing. I sometimes feel changes in my body in the moment, or see it’s effects in our lives in the days or weeks that follow.
It brought tremendous support, stability and confidence to me during the year that I cared for my mother, who has Alzheimer’s, at our home, and for our son, 21yrs, who lives with various health challenges.
I have grown stronger, brighter and more alive through it all and give huge credit and gratitude to the healing our family has received from the Omnes group, both online and in person, over the last two years.
Over the past couple of years I have been receiving treatments for prostate and bladder cancer and for heart failure. The side effects of some of these treatments have made normal life difficult at times. I have been fortunate to have had several Skype sessions with Kathleen which have been enormously valuable in helping me to manage the impact of the side effects by creating a relaxed and peaceful environment in which I have been able to develop and implement a variety of coping mechanisms. I have to confess that I have been surprised to find that the help I have received from Kathleen by Skype is exactly as I would have expected in a face to face meeting even including my drifting off into sleep at times as a result of being extremely relaxed! It really is the case that a Skype session with the right person (which Kathleen definitely is) can be as powerful and beneficial as a face to face encounter.
At first when I went for an energy rebalancing session I was very sceptical. I certainly have noticed positive changes as the sessions have progressed though. I have felt more relaxed and revitalised and this has certainly helped me to deal with a difficult situation in my life.
I am more aware of how to manage my own wellbeing and would recommend everyone to try it.
Healing has helped me to deal with physical and mental problems in my life, and I feel closer to God or something working in my life.
The healing helps me very well and I can manage to walk better than before.
Just to let you know that over the course of yesterday I felt better and better. I got quite a lot done. I had literally been paralysed by anxiety. Today I went for a walk with a friend and realised I felt actually happy for the first time in months. Thank you so much.
G. A.
What some of our students have said about our Healing Qualification Course:

The course was taught in the most accessible and inclusive fashion. It was very informative and valuable to revisit some old materials and learn some new ones. Thank you Su for your professionalism and friendly approach to us all.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all the beautiful souls that have been a part of this journey with me. I am looking forward to the continued growth, knowledge, experiences and relationships with the Omnes Community. I am passionately looking forward to one day be able to help others using the techniques taught so they too may benefit from it as I have.
‘Thank you for this beautifully simple teaching. My feeling of connection to Source has strengthened & deepened over the last two years.’
Student Feedback
Amazing, thank you from my heart. Obviously the information is important – but the way that it is delivered and the support throughout is invaluable. The practical experience of healing is also very useful.
Student Feedback
In Student evaluations, at the end of the course, 100% stated that they would recommend the course to others.
Other comments included:
‘Omnes teaching is an amazing tool that is transforming me and my life’
‘Thoroughly enjoyed the course’.
‘The group discussions were so interesting and thought-provoking’
‘Loved it’.
‘Thank you to Su, Kathleen and Yvonne for all their belief in me’.
‘This healing course is the BEST ever.’
‘Well informed and well structured course with plenty of time to work with participants.’
‘I loved our time together and our discussions about experiences
Qualification Course
In Student evaluations, at the end of the course, 100% stated that they would recommend the course to others.
Students wrote that most valuable about the course was:
‘coming together, hearing experience shared and the deeply interesting course content’
‘being able to talk openly’ and the ‘total support from the tutors’
‘listening to other people’s experiences – Sharing ideas on different perspectives’.
‘All of it. I cannot single out one aspect. It has been a great learning journey’.
Qualification Course
What some of our clients have said about our Energ-Eased CDs

‘I was sitting at home with a bad headache one afternoon. My wife often listens to her Energ-eased CD as at the moment she is going through chemo and says that this helps her a lot. So I wondered if it would help me and thought what is there to lose let’s give it a go. So not knowing what to expect I sat and listened to the first section on pain. As the CD tells you to relax with your feet on the floor and imagine a grey ball passing over the area of pain. I was amazed. The headache went and I have since used this for a stiff neck and once again this worked so well. I have since listened to other tracks on the CD and would strongly recommend that you try it with an open mind’.
What some of our Students have said about our 'How to Stop Feeling Drained by Other People' Workshop

‘I really enjoyed the energy management workshop and have used the visualisations several times today with remarkable effect’.
‘I would like to thank both Su and Kathleen as this training will help enormously with my development and allow me to work to full capacity without feeling constantly drained. I have been doing the exercises immediately and feel better already’.
‘Just Brilliant – Thank you’
‘I thought the workshop was well pitched and well delivered. I think that this workshop will be well received in a number of different settings and is a good base to adapt for: carers, corporate environments, and perhaps even children. I thought you catered well for different learning styles with visuals, handouts and verbal presentation’.
It gave me some practical ideas about how I can improve my own wellbeing, Thanks!
Workshop Participant
Just what I was looking for.
Workshop Participant
I found it valuable learning different techniques to help myself to improve my vibrational energy. I found it really positive.
Workshop Participant
What did you find most valuable about the Qualification Course?

Feeling connected to people who can help to interpret my spiritual journey.
Making new friends. Learning what the Universe is about. Wonderful and knowledgeable teachers.
Having a Mentor that I can call on for advice when required.
The ability to be able to connect to Source to assist others in their spiritual and physical growth. Understanding the process to connect to Source and how energy affects us and those we connect to. Thank you for being the beacon of light towards my current journey to Source.
To be encouraged in the practice of healing and be really engaged and spiritually more aware. It is great to see so many possibilities of healing. It is to find one's own talent. How exciting!