The Varying Roles of Healers

Contrary to popular perception, our roles as ‘healers’ vary dramatically. That is to say, no one size fits all. I often hear fellow healers say things like “I wish I was as good a healer as ‘X” or “X is so much better at this than I am”.

We need to keep in mind that we are each on our unique and exciting life journey of learning and discovery, on our own individual pathway. For this reason there are so many options available for duration and type of healer training, energy rebalancing methods and techniques and personal development plans, books and courses etc.
While one person might reach the dizzy heights of fame, fortune and global recognition, serving to bring healing to the masses, another is equally fulfilled serving friends and family in times of need. Neither one is higher or more lowly than the other.

Which Direction?

However, being content in a cocoon of security at a particular level of skill, expertise and knowledge isn’t really helpful to either a healer or their clients. Not all healers have lofty aspirations, but how to change, expand and grow is often a difficult decision. Which direction to go in, who to trust, how to drop old ways and cultivate new ones…..all are probably questions in the mind of someone who simply wishes to expand their understanding and practise of energy rebalancing, or another who wants to keep up to date with the most current teachings, methods and legislation for professional reasons.
Augmentation of our original healer training can be helpful in lots of ways. It can range from CPD, to a new beginning for someone who has the freedom and time to devote to their chosen pathway that they didn’t have when they first trained as a healer.

Our Growth and Expansion

But whether we choose to work professionally, non-professionally or somewhere in-between, let’s remember that we are all ‘Healers’ and, whatever our preference of modality, we are doing our current best with a strong desire to help those in need. If we can open ourselves to the possibility of constant growth and expansion, the Universe will surely supply it in abundance at whatever level is appropriate for our ‘next step’ – whether that’s sideways or forward.

Kathleen Judd

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Soil, Soul and Society

Most people understand that we are Mind, Body and Spirit and at Omnes Healing we regularly emphasise this vital spiritual aspect, which is so often

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