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Energy Healing (Spiritual Healing) is a completely natural process. Traditionally, it is a flow of beneficial energy through the healer to the recipient, although there are other types of spiritual healing in which the practitioner facilitates the flow of energy directly to the recipient from the Source.
Healing may occur through attunement by the healer to the Highest Source (of Peace, Love and Wisdom / the highest Universal Energy) with loving compassionate intention for the receiver. The healer links to the healing energy, aiming to effect wellbeing by raising the energetic vibrations of the receiver and creating energetic balance between body, mind and spirit. This restores wholeness and alleviates dis-ease of mind, body and spirit, which may exist at many levels.
Healing can be contact healing which is carried out in the presence of the person, animal or situation or distant healing which does not require the healer to be physically present with the recipient.
Energy Healing /Spiritual healing is complementary to orthodox medical treatment and is not intended as a substitute for it.
Healing has been practiced for thousands of years.
There have been many definitions or explanations of healing by individual healers. Here are just a few:
‘For true healing goes deeper than symptoms; it involves getting clear about your real identity and purpose in life’. (Dr. John Upledger in ‘You, the Healer’)
‘Heal’ comes from the same root as ‘whole’ and ‘holiness’ although this ancient meaning of the word seems to have been forgotten by much of modern Western medicine.’ (Brooke Medicine Eagle in ‘The Circle of Healing’)
‘Healing is finding an inner communion with something greater, far greater, than anything in the world; it is finding ourselves in God, finding ourselves in spiritual peace, an inner peace ….the presence and power of God felt.’ (Joel Goldsmith in ‘The Art of Spiritual Healing’)
‘There are four essential qualities of a healer: trust, faith, love and humility.” Kubler-Ross also wrote: ‘Healing does not necessarily mean to become physically well. Rather it means achieving a balance between the physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions.’ (Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in ‘On Death and Dying’)
‘Real healing never stops. It cannot, for it is our birthright, our essential nature. It is the continuing expansion of the “big bang” of birth, constantly creating universes to be explored and merged into. To discover the inner grace in each moment is to become healed. It is to discover the human divine within, the very source of healing, the essence of the deathless, the ever-healed.’ (Stephen Levine in ‘The Healing from Which We Took Birth’)
‘Spiritual healing is much more than a form of alternative or complementary therapy. It is a spiritual way of life, a way to find God, revealing our nature as Spiritual Being here and now. It is the proof of the action of Divine Love in our lives.’ (Jim Pym in ‘What Kind of God, What Kind of Healing?’)
‘Even greater miracles than these, ye shall do also.’ Jesus of Nazareth.
In contact healing, healers work either at a short distance from your body, or sometimes (with your permission) using a light touch on your body, usually on the back or shoulders. The healer will invite you to relax and close your eyes if you wish.
Energy Healing (Spiritual Healing) does not involve massage or physical manipulation. The individual remains fully clothed throughout and only needs to remove any outer garment if it helps them to feel more comfortable.
In distant healing, through centred thought and compassionate intent of the healer, the healing energy is transmitted to the recipient wherever they are, even though the recipient is not present.
In both cases, the receiver of the healing energy may be aware that something is happening. Most experience a variety of sensations, perhaps warmth or coolness, tingling and pressure as the energy goes to work. Some clients see beautiful colours or see pictures or people. Some clients do not feel any sensations or little more than warmth, but the process is no less effective. A sense of deep relaxation and peace is usually experienced.
The outcome of an energy healing session may be beneficial in an unexpected way and not necessarily immediately: for example, you may notice positive changes several days later or gradual improvement over a period of time. There may be times when you experience some kind of emotional release as part of the healing process. Sometimes the process is obvious, sometimes more subtle.
It is a process of revitalisation, relaxation and release at a profound level, which helps your body to adjust and heal spontaneously at its own pace and in its own way. Healing seeks out the underlying cause as well as the “presenting symptom”.
One session may be sufficient, but it is more usual that several sessions are needed. Healing also continues to work after the session is over. If you are experiencing energy healing (spiritual healing) for the first time, it may take you two or three sessions to relax into the process and enjoy the full benefits. This is true of both contact and distant healing, but remember that in distant healing your name will remain on a list for at least a month and longer if you wish. You can always discuss progress with your healer.
No. Energy Healing is about restoring balance to your life. The resultant changes may positively influence your ways of thinking and improve your relationships with others. Healing is about helping you to better understand yourself and your life path. It is a continuous process which often helps bring a sense of proportion and perspective and a greater feeling of “feet on the ground”, of regaining control, irrespective of whether you are ill or not.
Healing can be especially useful in crisis situations, helping to relieve the stresses usually associated with such things. It can stand alone as a therapy, has no harmful side effects and works well with any other therapy. It is a process, above all, to help you to help yourself.
No. As long as you keep an open mind and think positively, the healing can work effectively.
Healers work from a wide range of philosophies and many simply see their ability as a natural resource. Nothing special is expected of the client except perhaps an openness to anything that happens during the process and a degree of trust in the healer.
You do not need your doctor’s permission before receiving healing but it is important to maintain contact with your doctor if you have a condition that requires conventional medical support or treatment. Energy healing complements the treatments your doctor is giving you so do tell her/him that you are receiving healing, and about any benefits.
Yes. Relax, keep an open mind and think positive thoughts. The power of thought is only beginning to be understood.
Dwelling upon the positive aspects of life contributes to an improvement in wellbeing.
Affirm about your health what you wish to be true. Realise that you are a co-Creator with Source of All That Is and, as such, you have the power to create and manage your own wellbeing. So go create a healthy body with a healthy mind!
It is unusual for a person to experience a ‘miracle cure’. Sometimes, but rarely, spontaneous recovery does occur but more often than not, the healing process is a gradual one determined by the laws of nature as the body changes, adjusts and recovers its natural powers.
The human body has an individual ‘shelf life’; it will not last for ever. Even if there is not a great physical benefit for a number of reasons, there are often beneficial changes to the individual’s spiritual, emotional and mental state.
For example, there can be an acceptance of pain as part of a natural healing process or an understanding that the pain has an underlying reason – it is the effect of a cause at a deeper level. The pain may have a spiritual reason. It may be a wake-up call to the recipient to sort out their life. Healing may prompt the individual to re-assess their life’s journey, to reflect and make the necessary changes which can remove the pain at a later stage.
Sometimes, too, it is necessary for the recipient to make other life style changes (e.g. diet) in order for the healing to have maximum effect.
Clients who are receiving end-of-life care often find that healing has the effect of easing their transition, providing re-assurance, inner peace and often physical relief during this process. Clearly, this cannot be called ‘a failure’.
Yes. Very brief records are kept in accordance with UK GDPR, for the purpose of reviewing the client’s progress. They usually contain the client’s personal details, the date and time of the healing session and how the client feels afterwards. All healers work to a Code of Conduct which forbids them to discuss a client’s personal details or health history. The records are kept safe by the healer and destroyed after seven years. As a client you have the right to see these notes if you wish.
Strictly speaking, nothing. Initially, you may wish to talk about your problems briefly and, in subsequent sessions, you may wish to inform the healer of changes in your situation or condition.
All fully qualified, practising healers should be registered with a nationally-recognised healing organisation which has been accepted by a governing body, such as the Confederation of Healing Organisations. In some cases this will mean that they have automatic accreditation from UK Healers Association, meaning that the client can expect good practice and appropriate behaviour and conduct from the healer at all times.
A genuine, fully trained and qualified healer will never promise a cure for your condition or symptoms, or offer a diagnosis. They may encourage you to understand the reasons for your condition and the importance of sharing the responsibility for your healing. They may also suggest tools or strategies that you can use, in addition to the healing, assisting the restoration of balance and harmony in your body. Ultimately, you should feel calm, comfortable and relaxed in their presence.
There are many kinds of healer training available and the length of time, cost and methods involved will vary according to which organisation a person chooses to train with.
In the first instance tell the healer if you feel able to. Alternatively, contact Omnes Healing and register your concerns by emailing: admin@omneshealing.com
Yes. Anyone under 16 years of age will need written consent from someone with parental responsibility before they have healing. If you are under 18 years of age, it is recommended that you inform your parent or guardian
This can vary. Usually a session is about half-an- hour in duration, depending on the client’s needs and circumstances at the time.
No special gifts, talents or abilities are needed. Becoming a healer is a journey of personal and spiritual growth, whilst simultaneously developing oneself as a strong link to the Universal Source of healing energies. Anyone who is naturally compassionate and caring, is willing to cultivate humility, inner peace, patience and who has a non-judgemental attitude, can be of service as a healer.